Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hey Y'all!

This week was really fun, dispite being sick that is. The weather was beautiful and not the least bit fallesque. Routine! Ahh Blessed routine! Every summer I think how glad I am to have some freedom and ease. Then when the Fall rolls around again I realize how I need the routine of knowing what's around the corner. The dreaded "O" word has become my friend and I now strive for organization and thrive with it. It has become like Miracle Grow addinng richness and life to my day rather than pusing me into a box and draining my creativity. Organization with a dash of maturity = a happy me.

Hubby and I were up by 5:45 every day and the children were up with lunches made and cheerful, sleepy faces by 6:30 ready for breakfast. They finished up, got dressed in uniforms and hit the ground running. Backpacks on and out by 7:15 leaving Ty, Nadia and I to clean up the breakfast dishes and tidy up the rooms. Laundry has been easy since we have been working it into our early morning routines and then the children put it away when they get home.

We have had
** the first day of School! That went really well.
** the first day of Choir for Emma, Mia and Ty. They all were smiling and happy and are ready for day 2
** Nolen's first home game, He was tackling like crazy and was happy with the results. No injuries!!
** Emma and Mia's first day of harp for the 2009-2010 school year. I was surprised at how mature Emma had gotten through the summer. She is geared up and ready for a great year
**The first day of BSF for Ty, Nadia and I. The cutest thing that happened was Ty's first meeting with his teacher Mrs. Eagle. We had been telling Ty and Nadia how much we liked their teachers for a few days. So when he first saw he I bent down and said, " Ty, that's Mrs Eagle. " He got a huge smile on his face and fan to her saying "Mrs. Eagle!! Mrs. Eagle!! I love you." and gave her a HUGE hug.

All is off and running rather smoothly. We will definately have bumps in the road this year, we always do, but hopefully we will deal with them with wisdom and joy as a busy and organized family.
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